16 Mayıs 2009 Cumartesi

Obama'ya ithafen.. I have a dream!! :)

Siyahilerin Amerikan tarihinde kat ettigi yol hakkinda bir yazi yazmam gerekiyordu. Kisa ama güzel olmus :D

Black Americans are the result of the triangular trade in the 1620s. They were brought and exploited by their owners as they were slaves. Between 1857 and 1954 they were even not regarded as citizens. In the past, they could not vote without restrictions. The development which contains the election of a black president could not be foreshadowed.
Dorothy Height sets an example about strict quota systems at schools. She was not accepted at a school because of two other black girls; that was enough...

The blacks have been fighting for their civil rights for 54 years and therefor, the electrion of Barrack Obama can be seen as a watershed or a summit of the history of civil rights. Boycotts and demonstrations led to the Civil Rights Act (1964) and Martin Luther King's "dream" is fulfilled by the election of Obama. "Another barrier" was broken now (l.74).

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